Course Name
Introduction to HRM Framework
Early Eagle Rate:
Php 24,900
Since human resource management is essentially about the continuing education of people managers in a learning organization, Dr. Morato’ anchors Managing People in Entrepreneurial Organizations design on the Whole Brain Learning System (WBLS) based on the quadrant (whole) brain model of Dr. Ned Herrmann.
The WBLS framework is juxtaposed with the four major functions of Human Resource Management (HRM) propounded by Dr. David Ulrich, who postulates that there are four major HRM functions by dividing HRM into its Systems, People, Strategic, and Operational. These four major functions of HR are supported by two R’s of HRM each, for a total of eight R’s.
Who should attend
- Professional HR practitioners;
- Entrepreneurs (with more than two employees)
This program aims to enhance and deepen the knowledge and understanding of the HRM functions and is primarily intended for professional HR practitioners and entrepreneurs who see the need to strengthen their people management skills.
I. Introduction to Whole Brain Learning System
II. Introductory Lecture: Trends and Tensions in New People Paradigms
III. Managing the Human Resource Management Function
IV. The Four Functions of Human Resource Management
V. The Eight R’s of Human Resource Management
VI. The First Major Function of HR: Aligning HR Strategy with Institutional Strategy
VII. The Second Major Function of HR: Transforming the Organization to Deliver Desired Results
VIII. The Third Major Function of HR: Championing People - Motivating, Energizing, Increasing Performance
and Productivity, Goal Congruence between Institutional Objectives and Individual Objectives
IX. The Fourth Function of HR: Administrating HR Systems and Processes

Dr. Eduardo "Edmo" A. Morato Jr. is concurrently the chairman of ACE Center for Entrepreneurship, the partner organization of AGSB for the ME program, and chairman and president of Bayan EDGE, Bayan Academy and SEARCH. He is also an Eminent Fellow at the Development Academy of the Philippines.
His body of work, which include over 500, numerous monographs and thought pieces, encompasses his 50 years of service to education, public administration and civil society while actively engaging in consultancy, research, and training services for private corporations and government agencies. Writing books, cases and monographs is his way of sharing his copious knowledge and experience as an educator, development manager and managementguru.

Mr. Alejandrino Ferreria, Ed.D has had over 40 years of experience in management education (people development) and simultaneously over 30 years in entrepreneurship (peoplemanagement). He is currently the President of ACE Center forEntrepreneurship and Management Education, Inc. Dr. Ferreria is the author of the internationally published book onentrepreneurship called Entrepreneurs' Helpline. He also released a Philippine publication on 50 inspiring entrepreneurs of the Philippines.