Course Name
Leading and Managing Change
September 22, 2025 - September 30, 2025
Schedule via Zoom:
September 22, 23, 29, & 30, 2025
Mondays & Tuesdays
8:30 am to 12:00 nn
Early Eagle Rate:
Php 11,000
Valid Until:
September 09, 2024
Change is the only constant – and this is truer now than ever before. Managers have to be able to cope with external change, within the pandemic business environment and in the emerging post-pandemic environment, while leading their people to implement internal changes required by the company’s strategies.
Two out of three change initiatives fail. What does successful change leadership require?
This course offers an answer: a scientifically validated model of the leadership competencies and management processes for leading and managing change.
Who should attend
The course is appropriate for anyone in a management or supervisory position who can participate in leading organizational change. This course is fit for managers in both the private sector and the public sector.
By the end of this course, you should be able to :
1. Assess yourself on the leadership competencies that predict effectiveness of change management, following the model
2. Apply the organizational processes for managing change to a sample change leadership plan, following the template
I. Lead the Change Curve
A. Leaders Are Change Agents
B. Three Kinds on Change
C. Leadership Actions at Each Stage
II. Leadership Competencies for Change
A. Strategic & Technical
B. Execution
C. Social
D. Character
E. Resilience
III. Organizational Processes for Managing Change
A. Create the vision for change
- Determine the goals of the change project
- Map the current state and future state
B. Prepare the organization for change
- Set a positive tone
- Managing transitions
- Identify what changes, and what continues
- Identify behaviors to modify
C. Build support and overcome resistance
- Stakeholder analysis: 3 steps
- Why do people resist change?
- How to deal with resistance
- Campaigning for change
- Engaging top leaders' support
D. Sustain the Change
- Program the quick wins
- Plan for activities to sustain change
Dr. Jet F. Magsaysay is the Dean of the Ateneo Graduate School of Business.
He is president of Strategic Directions, Inc., a strategy- and management-consulting firm that caters to top corporations in diverse industries. As a strategy and organizational development consultant, he has guided leading corporations in the Philippines and Southeast Asia in developing their visions and strategies, and in building their organizational capabilities.
As an academic program director he has conceptualized and customized leadership and management programs for diverse clients.
As a trainer-educator, he has designed and facilitated programs in strategy, execution, leadership, and management skills.
As a corporate executive, he has managed business units in the Philippines, in China, and across Asia, in the investment banking, publishing, and consulting industries.
An internationally recognized writer and presenter, he is a lecturer in Kyoto University’s Asia Business Leader Programme. He was Editor-in-Chief of World Executive’s Digest, a Pan-Asian management magazine where he authored award-winning content. He has authored research articles that have been peer-reviewed and published in international academic journals. He has been a keynote speaker at various conferences in Southeast Asia, China, and Japan.
Dr. Magsaysay has a BSc. in Industrial Management Engineering from De La Salle University, a Master in Management degree from the Asian Institute of Management, and a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies, major in Organizational Development, from the Ateneo De Manila University.