Course Name
Managing People in Entrepreneurial Organizations
Regular Rate:
Php 168,000
Early Eagle Rate:
Php 147,000
Managing People in Entrepreneurial Organizations is a twenty-day, full time course which is spread over several months to accommodate the busy schedules of its intended participants. It follows the framework developed by Dr. Eduardo A. Morato’ Jr. on Managing the Human Resource Function, which is known as the Eight (8) Rs of Human Resource. Since human resource management is essentially about the continuing education of people managers in a learning organization, Dr. Morato’ anchors the entire course design on the whole brain learning system (WBLS) based on the quadrant (whole) brain model of Dr. Ned Herrmann.
The WBLS framework is juxtaposed with the four major functions of Human Resource Management propounded by Dr. David Ulrich, who postulates that there are four major Human Resource Management (HRM) functions by dividing HRM into its:
- Systems (formal resources and procedures to manage people);
- People (how to elevate people's performance and productivity and how to boost their morale through empowerment);
- Strategic (long-term direction and investment thrust)
- Operational (day-to-day activities) dimensions
Who should attend
- Professional HR practitioners;
- Entrepreneurs (with more than two employees)
This program aims to enhance and deepen the knowledge and understanding of the HRM functions and is primarily intended for professional HR practitioners and entrepreneurs who see the need to strengthen their people management skills.
Module I. Introduction of HRM framework (3 days)
- Introduction to whole brain learning system
- Introductory lecture: Trends and tensions in new people paradigms
- Managing the human resource management function
- The four functions of human resource management
- The eight R’s of human resource managementThe first major function of HR: Aligning HR strategy with institutional strategy
- The second major function of HR: Transforming the organization to deliver desired results
- The third major function of HR: Championing people - motivating, energizing, increasing performance and productivity, goal congruence between institutional objectives and individual objectives
- The fourth function of HR: Administrating HR systems and processes
Module II. Reviewing: Alternative performance management systems (3 days)
- Designing performance management systems (PMS) evaluating and selecting the most appropriate PMS
- Developing performance metrics to achieve desired results
- Cascading institutional metrics to departmental, team and individual levels
- Performance management reviews performance improvement programs
Module III. Rewarding: Compensation, benefits and incentives that match work requirements (2 days)
- Installing and institutionalizing the reward systems (Monetary and Non-Monetary)
- Celebrating and recognizing performance
Module IV. Retooling: Transforming the organization to achieve the desired results (3 days)
- Identify gaps in individual competencies and organizational capabilities
- Education, training, coaching and mentoring as key strategies of transformation
- Employee induction and development process
- Organizational structure and systems redesign
Module V. Recycling: Matching employees to the right jobs and ensuring organizational fit; Outplacement and outsourcing (1 day)
- Matching brain preferences, experience, and skills of employees to jobs available
- Job rotation and diversification
- Outplacement and outsourcing
- Retiring, retrenching and redundating
Module VI. Resonating: Culture building, organizational climate management, goal congruence (2 days)
- Building the right organizational climate conducive to people development and upliftment
- Nurturing a culture of performance and harmonious relationships; managing conflicts
- Ensuring compatibility in institutional and individual goals
Module VII. Retaining: Increasing work motivation and empowerment; increasing productivity and morale (2 days)
- Ensuring that people’s needs and aspirations are addressed by the organization; Raising people’s morale and commitment to serve the organization; values formation
- Making the organization a long-term career option for good employees
Module VIII. Recruiting: Hiring the best people based on organizational needs (2 days)
- Identify the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed by the organization for peak performance
- Attracting the right applicants and providing the right incentives for recruits to join the organization
- Ensuring continuity of work through on efficient and effective fecruitment system
- Enabling recruits to assimilate into the organization
Module IX. Routing: Career pathing and staff development plans (2 days)
- Managing talents to derive full value from them
- Making individual career paths consistent with organizational development and growth requirements
- Preparing people for future work
- Progression planning and development
Module X. Integration: The total human resource management system (1 day)
- Strengthening the four major functions
- Aligning the eight R’s of HRM
- Creating organizational synergy

Dr. Eduardo "Edmo" A. Morato Jr. is concurrently the chairman of ACE Center for Entrepreneurship, the partner organization of AGSB for the ME program, and chairman and president of Bayan EDGE, Bayan Academy and SEARCH. He is also an Eminent Fellow at the Development Academy of the Philippines.
His body of work, which include over 500, numerous monographs and thought pieces, encompasses his 50 years of service to education, public administration and civil society while actively engaging in consultancy, research, and training services for private corporations and government agencies. Writing books, cases and monographs is his way of sharing his copious knowledge and experience as an educator, development manager and managementguru.

Mr. Alejandrino Ferreria, Ed.D has had over 40 years of experience in management education (people development) and simultaneously over 30 years in entrepreneurship (peoplemanagement). He is currently the President of ACE Center for Entrepreneurship and Management Education, Inc. Dr. Ferreria is the author of the internationally published book on entrepreneurship called Entrepreneurs' Helpline. He also released a Philippine publication on 50 inspiring entrepreneurs of the Philippines.

Mr. Angelito J. Domingo was previously the Vice President of Human Resource at RAMCAR - Battery Group and the Executive Managing Director of Human Resources (HR) of the Asian Institute of Management (AIM). Mr. Domingo has more than 20 years of experience managingpeople in organizations in both Government and Private Sector. Beginning with his stint as a Military Officer in the Philippine Army he rose from Executive Officer to Brigade Staff Officer.

Mr. Ramon C. Jocson is currently the Program Director for the Masters in Entrepreneurship program of the Ateneo Graduate School of Business. An academe and a practicing entrepreneur himself, he is the Executive Director of the World of Outbound Corp. His human resource interest dwells on how the organization can use and integrate Filipino value and belief systems to create a workforce that can be more productive and professional.

Mr. Federico R. Marquez, DPM has had 46 years of Human Resource experience with large corporations such as Unilever, Warner Lambert, Alcatel, Guoco Holdings, and Philippine National Bank that earned him the disctinction of being a top caliber HR professional. He took a lead role in the HR profession as the President of Personnel Managers' Association of the Philippines. He also assumed responsibility as president of the Compensation Management Society of the Philippines and co-founding the ASEAN Total Rewards Institute.