Course Name

Project Stakeholder Satisfaction


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Regular Rate:

Php 16,000

Early Eagle Rate:

Php 14,850

Project Stakeholder Satisfaction


Actual project management will tell us that stakeholder management is one of the most crucial areas in managing overall project success. This course provides a perspective on stakeholder satisfaction that challenges, or supplements and improve existing practices.  

Aligned with the PMBOK® Guide, PMs and non-PMs alike will benefit from this course as it defines stakeholder management and satisfaction methods that lead to successful project delivery or a successful initiative. Practical methods and techniques are discussed as well.

Who should attend

Upcoming or existing project managers or any individuals (ex. project sponsors, program managers, product owners, or developers) who collaborate and work with other employees, groups, or individuals Those who are interested in strengthening their project management skills as well as enabling others to be effective in stakeholder management

After the course, you will:

  1. Understand the value of stakeholders and the need for to manage them;

  2. Learn variety of tools and techniques on stakeholder management; and

  3. Be aware of actual practices vs. recommended stakeholder management techniques.

I. Stakeholder Management 
    A. As part of overall project management 
    B. Definition of common terms

II. Stakeholder Identification Tools and  Techniques
    A. Charter 
    B. Communications management plan
    C. Stakeholder register 

III. Planning Stakeholder Engagement

    A. Engagement plan
    B. Resource management plan 
    C. Risk management

IV. Managing Stakeholder Engagement 

    A. Feedback
    B. Interpersonal and team skills
    C. Change management

V. Monitor Stakeholder Engagement

    A. Logs and registers
    B. Data analysis
    C. Updates and reports

Mr. Mario Domingo is the Global Chief Technology Officer of UBX Philippines, a financial technology company offering the Philippines' leading Open Finance platform. Also, he was recently the Group CTO of Chi-X Asia-Pacific Holdings, Ltd, a Hong Kong conglomerate of market centers operating equities exchanges in Australia and Japan. He is the founder of several technology companies in Singapore and the Philippines in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Analytics. He is also the founder of DARC Labs, an AI-healthcare tech R&D center where they work on imaging and genomics diagnostics. He spent many years in telecom and defense and manufacturing technologies in the United States.

Mr. Domingo has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, a Major in Finance, and a Master's degree in Finance and Applied Economics from the University of Southern California, USA.

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